I love computers and programming them. I got a Masters degree in Computer Science because I love it so much. I have years of practical experience in web development and a scattering of experience in plenty of other things. I have particular interest in graphics and programming languages, though I usually treat those as hobbies.
A good summary of my resume can be found by reading my Linked In page.
I have a short list of software, as well as a longer list of old, simple Java games. I also have a short list of publications. The most interesting from those lists are listed below.
I have a small Git Hub account too. (Not super up-to-date.)
- RubSketch - iOS kid drawing app available in the App Store.
- PaperGrid - iOS game available in the App Store.
- Modeling Asynchronous Message Passing for C Programs - by E. A. Morse, N. Vrvilo, E. Mercer, and J. McCarthy in 13th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI). My Masters work, pretty much re-written by the two faculty advisers to get it accepted into VMCAI. You can see my thesis in the HBLL library if you want an older version.
- 4M specification modeling language -
This was my Masters thesis project. 4M allows the modeling of an API specification in a formal way that tries to be close to the English description, then the model can be compiled and used for what-if queries or as a "Golden Executable Model" (GEM) to run with a C program.
Note: This is a public repo maintained by my former faculty adviser, and as such has up-to-date code based on the project I started. You can still find plenty in there that I wrote (as of 5/7/12), esp. in files with my name in the author tag.
- Alt-Exp: Alternate Syntax for Scheme - Experimental alternate syntax for scheme (Racket) using significant white space. Directly converts to s-expressions. Compatible with macros and existing API.
- Wind-blown Tree Generator - Class project and paper, implementing a tree generator with light and space competition, then adding wind to effect the growth direction of the tree.
- Lunch - Lunch group voting and discussion site.
- Neptic Blog - My custom blog system. This is the second of two posts discussing it, with a link to the first.
- Comets - A game I made in high school, where you shoot the commets that are coming to hit the Earth. Kinda fun. The AI for the boss levels is pretty much broken though.
Here's an incomplete list of some web sites I've worked on.
- Real Estate Data X-Change, Inc - I worked here for several years. I programmed (but not designed) the main website. I also wrote the signup process, customer support web site, internal (web based) tools, one web app product, and the billing system. I left to continue schooling.
- Maintenance Supply - Used jQuery and PHP to improve their order form and automatically generate order and invoice emails. (It appears this company is out of business, or at least changed their name and URL.)
- David Glen Hatch - I help concert pianist David Hatch edit his web site and post new albums and videos (which includes creating the video clips from source material on DVDs, with some minor edits). The site layout was designed by some previous student and I have just maintained it with minor tweaks. (He edits on his own in MS Front Page, which limits what I can do.)
- Secret DNA of Writing Essays - I built a web app for this site which goes along with Drew's book and is a subscription service. (Dead link when I checked 2/24/2014.)
- RateAndFind.com - Worked on a prototype for this site. I have no idea if any of my original work is still there, but the site seems to exist.
- Filene Bank Comparison Worksheet - Built a 5-page web app for one of Filene Research Institute's workshops which allows users to add various criteria, rate themselves and competitors, then see graphs and analysis. It uses Ruby on Rails, jQuery, and D3.js.