Cloud City

This was my major project in the middle of last year (before the horse update), but I haven't posted pictures yet.

A city in the clouds. Each cloud is ringed by a tower made of a unique material. All the major parts of the game are represented by these towers, including the Nether, the End, Dungeons (moss covered), and a variety of constructed materials.

There is a gold-domed palace and gardens on the main cloud. The elevator uses the mine cart trick to rise above the natural cloud level in a jiffy. The entry gardens are purely aesthetic but the back gardens include a variety of crops and chickens to make the cloud city self-sufficient.

There are four clouds connected by "invisible" bridges. The furthest is the livestock cloud and is next to the railroad tower.

That tower was constructed with lava and water buckets then a spiral of railroad was added. This is so I can get pigs, sheep, and cows up here. The chickens I could carry as eggs, but not other livestock. As a quick way down, I left the middle open to the sea for jumping.